DIY Tutorial: How to Make a Wide Chunky Statement Braided Necklace

Looking for a trendy and eye-catching accessory that will make a bold fashion statement? Look no further! In this DIY tutorial, we will guide you through the process of creating a one-of-a-kind Wide Chunky Statement Braided Necklace using fabric, yarn, and elastic. With just a few materials and some basic braiding techniques, you can create a stunning piece that will elevate any outfit. Let's dive into the steps and get started! 


 Materials Needed: 

1 strand of wide fabric or yarn (approximately 2-3 inches wide)
Elastic cord (1/8 inch thick)
Scissors Needle and thread
Measuring tape

Step 1: Measure and cut the fabric/yarn Start by measuring the desired length of your necklace. Use the measuring tape to determine the circumference of your neck and add a few inches for a comfortable fit. Cut the fabric or yarn to this length. Remember, the wider the fabric/yarn, the chunkier your necklace will be.

Step 2: Secure the ends with elastic cord Take the elastic cord and cut it into two equal pieces, each measuring around 6 inches. Fold the fabric/yarn in half and position the elastic cords on both ends, leaving a small loop at each end. Use the needle and thread to stitch the elastic cords securely in place. This will provide flexibility and ease in wearing the necklace.

Step 3: Start braiding Hold the looped ends of the fabric/yarn and separate them into three equal sections. Begin braiding by crossing the right section over the middle section, followed by the left section over the middle. Continue braiding, alternating sides until you reach the desired length. Keep the braid tight and secure.

Step 4: Finish the braid When you reach the end of the braid, secure it by tightly tying a knot using the elastic cords. Make sure the knot is secure but not too tight, as it may cause the fabric/yarn to bunch up.

Step 5: Adjust the length Try on the necklace and assess the length. If you prefer a longer necklace, you can add additional fabric/yarn and continue the braiding process. Conversely, if you want a shorter necklace, trim the excess fabric/yarn and reattach the elastic cords using the needle and thread.

Step 6: Final touches To add a polished look, neatly trim any loose ends of fabric or yarn. You can also experiment with different textures, colors, and patterns to personalize your necklace further. Get creative and let your imagination run wild!

Creating your own Wide Chunky Statement Braided Necklace is a fantastic way to express your style and add a touch of uniqueness to your outfits. With just a few materials and simple braiding techniques, you can craft a beautiful accessory that will become the centerpiece of your ensemble.

Whether you choose vibrant fabrics, soft yarns, or a combination of both, this DIY project offers endless possibilities for customization. So, why not indulge in a little creativity and make a statement with your own handmade necklace? Enjoy the process and embrace your inner fashionista!

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