Crafting Delight: DIY Zippered Coin Purse/Card Holder with Appliqué Row of Houses

Crafting your own accessories can bring a touch of uniqueness and personal style to your everyday essentials. In this blog post, we'll guide you through creating a charming zippered coin purse or card holder adorned with a delightful appliqué row of houses. 

With just a few simple materials, some scraps of fabric, and hand stitching techniques, you'll have a practical and eye-catching accessory that's sure to spark joy. To inspire your creativity, we'll also share a video showcasing a range of appliqué designs for further inspiration. 

So, let's dive in and bring your crafting aspirations to life!

This is a fun and easy project that you can make with scraps of fabric and some hand stitching. You can use the first video as a guide for how to make the card holder, and the second video for inspiration on how to applique the houses.


Materials Needed: 
Scrap fabric pieces in various colors and patterns 
A small piece of solid fabric for the main purse/card holder 
Zipper (approximately 6 inches/15 cm long) 
Needle and thread (in matching colors) 
Fabric glue (optional) 
Appliqué templates or stencils (house shapes) 

Part 1: Creating the Zippered Coin Purse/Card Holder
To get started, we'll focus on crafting the base of the coin purse or card holder. 

Step 1: Preparing the Pattern

Measure and cut a rectangular piece of solid fabric according to your desired size for the purse or card holder. Aim for approximately 5 inches by 3 inches (13 cm by 8 cm).
This rectangular piece will serve as the main body of your accessory. 
Step 2: Adding the Zipper

Place the zipper facedown on the right side of the fabric, aligning one of the long edges of the fabric with the zipper teeth.
Sew along the edge using a running stitch or a backstitch. Repeat this step on the other side of the zipper, securing it to the opposite side of the fabric.
Test the zipper to ensure it opens and closes smoothly.
Step 3: Completing the Coin Purse/Card Holder

Fold the fabric in half so that the right sides are facing each other, and the zipper is in the center.
Starting from the bottom, sew around the three remaining edges using a running stitch or backstitch, leaving a small opening for turning the purse/card holder right side out.
Trim the excess fabric, especially around the corners, to reduce bulk.
Carefully turn the purse/card holder right side out through the small opening.
Use a needle and thread to close the opening with a slip stitch, ensuring it's secure. 

Part 2: Adding the Appliqué Row of Houses
Now that you have your base, it's time to add the delightful appliqué row of houses. 
Step 1: Selecting and Cutting the Fabric Pieces

Choose scraps of fabric in various colors and patterns to represent the individual houses in your row.
Using your appliqué templates or stencils, trace the house shapes onto the selected fabrics and cut them out. 
Step 2: Attaching the Appliqué

Arrange the fabric house pieces along the top edge of the purse/card holder, allowing enough space between each house.
Secure each house individually using fabric glue or, for a more traditional touch, hand stitching. Use small, neat stitches around the edges of each house to attach them securely to the fabric base. 
Step 3: Embellishing and Personalizing (Optional)

Feel free to get creative with additional details such as windows, doors, flowers, or even miniature appliqué characters.
Experiment with embroidery stitches or fabric paints to add unique touches and extra charm. 

 The second video has many lovely examples of applique projects, including a girl on a tote bag, a little girl at the seashore, a little house, throw pillows, kittens and yarn, and many more. You can use these examples for inspiration on how to applique the houses on your coin purse.

Congratulations! You've successfully crafted a zippered coin purse/card holder adorned with a delightful appliqué row of houses. This charming accessory is not only functional but also showcases your creativity and personal style. By using scraps of fabric and practicing hand stitching techniques, you've created a unique item that will surely impress. 

Don't forget to watch the second video we provided to gather more inspiration for future appliqué projects. Enjoy the satisfaction of crafting something beautiful with your own hands, and let your imagination run wild in future crafting endeavors!

 Thanks for Stopping by today!


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